Go Green Week 2017
Coventry is celebrating Go Green Week on 6 to 12 March, and Coventry Climate Action Network will be taking part.
Go Green Week is about promoting everything sustainable/environment/green to all organisations, students and residents of Coventry. It is being organised in partnership between the Council, Coventry University and the University of Warwick with the support of other organisations in the city.
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Coventry University Green Week Fair
7 March, 10:00 – 15:00, the Hub, Coventry University, Jordan Well, Coventry CF1 5RW
Come and meet exhibitors demonstrating how to make life more sustainable. Useful information on recycling, transport and much more.
Swap shop
8 March, 10:00 – 15:00, Warwick University Student Union
When was the last time you read that book? Will you ever wear that top again? Bring your unwanted items and swap for something new! Please only bring clean, intact items.
Disco soup
9 March, 11:00 – 15:00, Outside Primark, Broadgate
Fancy something different for lunch? Part of Go Green Week, join Warwick students and Conferences to create a tasty meal from healthy food that would have gone to waste.
Around 1/3 of the food that we produce is wasted between the field and the plate – let’s change this. Get chopping to some funky music and help produce a tasty soup.
Coventry Go Green Week ‘Pub’ Quiz
10 March, 17:00 – 19:00, The Council House, Earl St, Coventry, CV1 5RR
Think you know all about climate change, sustainability and the environment? Come and test your environmental knowledge in this fun quiz!
Teams of 4 – 6 people. Decide on your team name and come along and test you knowledge. See if you could be crowned the Champions for 2017!
Followed by drinks in Twisted Barrel, Fargo Village
To sign up email sarah.watson@coventry.gov.uk
Coventry Go Green Fair & Sustainability Market
11 March, 10:30 – 15:00, Lower Precinct Shopping Centre, Coventry
Drop in on this fair and open market to find out what is happening across the city and how you can become more sustainable as well as to save energy, water and resources. It will showcase some of the great environmental work and achievements that are taking place in the city.
Come and visit Severn Trent Water, Coventry Recycling Club, National Energy Action, RSPB, Every Can Counts, CoventryCAN, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Friends of Longford Park, Langley House Trust, Coventry Tree Wardens, Master Composters – seed planting and much more!
Green Women of Coventry
11 March, 12:00 – 14:00, Council House, Coventry
To celebrate International Women’s Day as part of Coventry’s Go Green Week, CoventryCAN has brought together a panel of inspirational Coventry women who are working hard to create a more sustainable future for our region and beyond. Join us to hear their stories of what they do and why they do it…
Welcome by Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Pam Thomas, University of Warwick
Mary Creagh MP, Chair of the Parliamentary Environmental Audit Committee, Coventry born and raised! Recently helped get microbeads banned.
Dr Alice Mah, University of Warwick, ERC Research Grant Toxic Expertise.
Professor Shuli Liu, Coventry University, 15 years research experience in Low Carbon Cities, awarded over £1.7 million in funding.
Jacqui Staunton, Climate Change Solutions Ltd. Project Director and lifelong environmentalist
Bernie McCulloch, West Midlands Housing
Dr. Jenny Cooper, Independent Energy Innovation Specialist, Honorary Professor Energy/Engineering, University of Warwick
Become a Green Woman
You can find out about small, easy actions you can take to help combat climate change with CoventryCAN and the international 1 Million Women initiative. “We’re building a movement of strong, inspirational women and girls acting on climate change through the way we live. Join us & be counted.” 1 Million Women.
Includes free networking nibbles and drinks
Intended audience age 14+ but children are welcome. A small reading and colouring corner will be located at the back of the room to help keep young children quietly busy.
FUNDING: University of Warwick ESRC Impact Acceleration Account grant ref ES/M500434/1
Download a poster by clicking the following:
CoventryCAN Coventry’s Green Women – Free Public Event
Plastic Made Fantastic
Primary schools in Coventry are invited to join CoventryCAN’s Art Competition ‘Plastic made Fantastic’. With a teacher endorsed resource pack to help children extend their learning about climate change and the Anthropocene Age aka the ‘Age of Plastic’, an associated Art Exhibition in the City Centre with an Awards Ceremony attended by the Lord Mayor and the chance for your school to win £500 for an eco-project.’ CoventryCAN have lots of Eco-Schools!
Today Coventry has 6 Green Flag Primary Schools but many more are invested in the programme already and have some have Bronze and Silver flags. The winning schools will undertake eco-projects with the help of University of Warwick and CoventryCAN members. These schools can design their project following the pupil lead Eco-Schools 7 Step Method. This could mean signing up to or advancing their current Eco-School status.
For Pupils! The Eco-Schools programme ‘empowers pupils to lead change and encourages pupils of all ages and abilities to work together to develop their knowledge and environmental awareness ’
For Savings! Eco-Schools consume less water and energy and produce less waste – in turn saving money that be allocated elsewhere in the school. Whilst also reducing the schools carbon footprint.
For Ofsted! Eco-Schools programme also meets the Ofsted requirement on schools that measures how effectively a school works in partnership with external agencies and the community (including business) to ‘improve the school, extend the curriculum and increase the range and quality of learning opportunities for pupils’
To register your schools interest and/or for more information email
To download PDF with more information click the following:
CovenrtyCAN Art Competition – Overview Final Elec