Health and Safety Policy
The Branch Secretary has overall and final responsibility for health and safety
The event organiser has day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice.
Statement of general policy
The Event Organiser has responsibility to maintain safe and healthy event conditions. The Event Organiser will achieve this by performing a risk assessment before an event and monitor and reduce risks arising during an event.
The Event Organiser has responsibility for providing clear instructions and information, and adequate training, to ensure volunteers are competent to do their work. The Event Organiser will achieve this by briefing volunteers and all attendees of safety procedures and warn of any known risks.
The Event Organiser has responsibility to engage and consult with volunteers on health and safety issues. The Event Organiser will achieve this by discussing any known risks before event with volunteers and agree on a plan of action.
The Event Organiser and volunteers have responsibility to implement emergency procedures – evacuation in case of fire or other significant incident. The Event Organiser will achieve this by briefing volunteers and all attendees of safety procedures in case of emergency and managing the evacuation procedure in case of an incident.
The Event Organiser has responsibility for preventing accidents and cases of event-related ill health by managing the health and safety risks in the activity place. The Event Organiser will achieve this by performing a risk assessment before event and monitoring and reducing risks arising during the event.
The Event Organiser has responsibility for ensuring a First Aid kit is available at the event. The Event Organiser will achieve this by collecting the Branch’s First Aid kit from the Branch Secretary before the event, replacing any items used during the event and returning the kit to the Branch Secretary after the event.
Risk Assessment Policy
All activities will be assessed for their risk and the volunteer will be informed of any relevant risks. Volunteers will be requested to adhere to the plan for each event and not to go beyond it without approval from the event organiser.