Inter-Agency Standing Committee
The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) brings together the executive heads of 18 UN and non-UN organizations to ensure coherence of preparedness and response efforts, formulate policy, and agree on priorities for strengthened humanitarian action.
It is the longest-standing and highest-level humanitarian coordination forum of the UN system. It is chaired by the Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC).
The responsibilities of the IASC include:
- making strategic and policy decisions with system-wide implications;
- endorsing major operational decisions;
- arbitration where no consensus can be reached by other IASC structures;
- advocating common principles, collectively or individually on behalf of the IASC;
- approving the work plans of the IASC structures;
- bringing issues to the attention of the Secretary-General and Security Council through the ERC;
- and, designating Humanitarian Coordinators and selecting coordination arrangements.
More Information
IASC Website: