Report on UNA Ambassador Meeting 16-10-2018
Meeting Room 4, Warwick Uni Students Union
Kiki, Oliver, Kelvin, Eze, Olufemi, Victoria, Philip
Sakinah, Lana
Documents Distributed
Briefing on current projects and roles available.
Twalk in War Memorial Park
Notes about #PeaceTwalk
UNA Ambassadors needed to help with first #PeaceTwalk around the War Memorial Park at 13:00 on Sunday 11 November. The idea is to bring people together from different countries, communities, religions, ages etc and talk while they go for a walk. Talking is the first step in building peaceful relationships between people.
This is Remembrance Sunday so the park should be busy since there will be a ceremony.
In order to stimulate conversation Philip wants UNA Ambassadors to give short talks when we stop at locations with a connection with peace. He has created a guide to the route containing information on places related to peace. The information can be downloaded from
Rehearsal for PeaceTwalk
This will be held at 13:00 on Sunday 4 November. Meet in the Park & Ride in War Memorial Park. For a map see the above page
It was agreed that WhatsApp is the best medium to circulate messages since most students use it and it avoids email being labelled as Spam.
[Philip created this after the meeting]
The main event that needs publicity is the #PeaceTalk. Philip will create posters and fliers.
Help needed in distributing fliers. Contact Philip if you can help.
Religious and Community Groups
Philip has already talked to CARAG (Coventry Asylum & Refugee Action Group, see for more information) and expects some asylum seekers to join the #PeaceTwalk, but more publicity is needed.
Philip suggested we try to contact religious groups and community groups.
Action: Philip needs volunteer to help with obtaining publicity for the PeaceTwalk
Student Union
Olufemi things we should contact the student union and ask them to help publicising events.
Philip said that Sam Parr had offered to publicise the Restorative Justice Conference. Details:
Sam Parr, Campaigns Coordinator,
Action Olufemi: Contact student union.
UNA Society
Philip said that UNA Coventry already work with Warwick Uni UNA Society. Contact details:
Myra Soomro, President, [removed from public document]
Publishing Documents
Philip will publish documents distributed on the meeting on the Facebook group and via the WhatsApp group.
We did not have time to talk about vacant roles. See the briefing document for a list or visit and let Philip know if you want to take on a role.
Future Meeting
The group will organise a further meeting via WhatsApp.
Action: Someone needs to organise the meeting