This Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy sets out the United Nations Association Coventry Branch’s approach to preventing and reducing harm to children and vulnerable adults when they are in contact with Branch members and volunteers.
This policy aims to
- Promote and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults;
- Provide assurance to parents, carers and other parties that the Branch takes reasonable steps to manage risks and keep children and vulnerable adults safe;
- Ensure that Branch Members and volunteers understand their roles and responsibilities in respect of safeguarding and are provided with the necessary information, training and support on safeguarding matters;
- Ensure that appropriate action is taken in the event of any allegations or suspicions regarding harm to children or vulnerable adults arising from contact with Branch members, interns or volunteers.
Key facts
Neither members of the Branch nor our volunteers are expected or permitted to work with children or vulnerable adults except in the presence of a teacher, parent, carer or other responsible person who can monitor our activity.
As a result we do not submit our members or volunteers to the UK government’s Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks.
This Policy seeks to manage effectively the risks associated with activities and events involving children and vulnerable adults by:
- Ensuring that members of the Branch and our volunteers are aware that they must never work with children or vulnerable adults except in the presence of a teacher, parent, carer or other responsible person who can monitor their activity.
- Completing a risk assessment for each event which involves identifying risks and means of reducing or eliminating these;
- Implementing the required actions identified by the risk assessment process and reviewing the effectiveness of these on a regular basis;
- Requiring new Branch members and volunteers to familiarise themselves with the content of this policy.
- Requiring new Branch members and volunteers to complete the form below to say they have read and understood this policy.
- Requiring Branch members and volunteers to report any allegations or suspicions of inappropriate behaviour either to the Chair of the Branch or to the United Nations Association – UK who will consider the information available and decide on the appropriate course of action.