For all the progress inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals, one barrier impedes them all: the choice we make in our everyday lives continues to fuel consumption and production habits that are increasingly extending beyond the limits of our plant.
The fourth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly will take place in Nairobi from 11 to 15 March 2019 under the theme “Innovative solutions for environmental challenges and sustainable consumption and production”.
In the run-up to the Assembly, UN Environment is leading a global campaign to #SolveDifferent. This campaign will focus on an informative and emotive approach to communicating the environmental cost of key consumption and production models.
About Environment Assembly
The United Nations Environment Assembly is the world’s highest-level decision-making body on the environment. It addresses the critical environmental challenges facing the world today. Understanding these challenges and preserving and rehabilitating our environment is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The Environment Assembly meets biennially to set priorities for global environmental policies and develop international environmental law. Through its resolutions and calls to action, the Assembly provides leadership and catalyses intergovernmental action on the environment. Decision-making requires broad participation, which is why the Assembly provides an opportunity for all peoples to help design solutions for our planet’s health.