Volunteer Manager Recruited
United Nations Association Coventry Branch is delighted to announce we have a new Volunteer Manager.
Roxana Anton is currently studying for a Masters Degree in Diplomacy, Law and Global Change at Coventry University. Previously she took a degree in Early Childhood Studies at City University, Birmingham. She is very keen, among other things, to raise awareness in schools about climate change and the impacts on the environment.
Her duties will be:
– Be a senior member of the Committee of United Nations Association Coventry Branch (UNACov)
– Work with the Committee on the development and planning of new and existing projects and roles.
– Attend volunteer fairs at Coventry and Warwick universities to talk about the United Nations, UNACov and our projects. Every year receives enquiries from around 200 students.
– Maintain and improve the volunteer application pages on our website unacov.uk
– Respond to volunteer applications both through the website and through university application websites
– Interview applicants.
– Assign applicants to suitable projects and roles.
– Organise volunteer training
– Work independently and make own decisions
The UNA Coventry welcome her and look forward to working with her in the future.
Please contact her at unacovvolunteers@gmail.com